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4 Report P. 197-272

IV. Report p. 198
by J. Conyers Esqr
Epping Society for
Encouragement of

1. Annual presents of
clothing to the most

2. Capital, not exceeding £10 on
1. Apprenticeship.
2. Service
3. Marriage –
to those who have had
most annual premiums.

3. Rewards to self-maintaining
who have brought
up & to the sans
parish relief

4. – to Overseers
who have distinguished

5. Spinning wheels
& to felt-maintainers
– full price
paid sans customary
N.B. This could
not be general – The
deductions are the result
of gluts – and
this industry plan
would go to encrease
the glut.

6. Form of spinning
work account.

6. Good behaviour
Certificates given with
the premiums.

---page break---

No XXVIII p. 205
Soup &c Shop by
Wm Hillyer
Fulwoods Rents & opposite St Anne,

1. Rumford
& Dimensions

2. Prices
1. Boiled Beef & Vegetables 3d
2. Rice--pudding 1/2 lb .... 1d
3. Peas, Soup pint 1d

3. Irish Labourers
subsisted on a breakfast
& dinner each
1 1/2 pint of pease
soup with 1/2 of bread.
Out of this Hillyer
had his profit.

4. The Pease Soup
has the liquor of the
boiled meat.

5. Price of Soup 7d
a gallon,
finding casks

---page break---

No XXIX p. 213
Industry School Lewisham
by J. Forster Esqr.

Salaries Manager 82
Master, 350

1. Hours Summer 6 to 6
Winter, daylight.
Task usually finished
by 2. Extra hours
on their own account.

2. Employment – spinning,
knitting, weaving
(one boy under 10).
Reading in relation. 3d

3. Maintenance wicking 1.6d

4. Extra earning 1d

5. Parish Children
no allowance yet
proposed, 1/6. Conf. 9.

6. Spinning wheeels
and materials
furnished at home
work bought up.

7. Yearly suit of
self made clothes

8. Profit scarce
any for first 6
months: from
thence, encreasing.
Parish Wash house
supplied with most
of the clothing by this
Knot }
Worsted } made for sale.

9. Daily expence
Master Mistress
& their 2 children
included (who have
3 meals) Conf. 3.

10. Parish allowance
3s a week per child.

11. Account of Receipts
& Payments.

12. Dietary – ad saturationism
victuals 2.
12. Health improved.

13. Rice quadrupled
in weight by boiling.

14. Pauper Apprentices
here sought for.

15. Saving £500.

---page break---

No XXX. p. 226.
Soup at Birmingham
T. Bernard Esq:

1. Prime cost of Soup
1 quart 1
&c included – 1 3/4
Bread 1/2 lb 3/4
Selling price 1
Loss 3/4

2. £300 this way
went further than
£1200 in bread &

3. Vessels 2 for lb 160 of soup
1. Seven Boilers each
containing Gallons 120
2. Digester
4. Materials for the Soup

5. Digesters sold by
, Forth Street
at about 1s pr quart
those that contain
4 or 5 quarts.

6. Meat & Bones
previously dissolved
in the Digester

7. Where the boiler
is imperfectly covered
1/5 of the food
lost by evaporation

---page break---

No XXXII. p. 244
Boldre Poor House
by Rev. Gilpin

1. Inspection principle
Master one window inspects
the Work-Room: – the other
the Kitchen. do p. 287.

2. Four or Five year-olds
earns 1d a day in spinning
& weaving. Task
finishable by 2: with
ease, by 6.

3. Working hours 6 in
summer, daylight in
Meals 3 – hours respite
at each meal Dinner & Breakfast.

3. Dietary

4. Potatoes and Onions
boiled and fried in a
little lard, much relished

5. Diet not so much as
9s a head per week.
But the produce of the
garden is probably
reckoned as nothing.

6. Year's expence of
cloathing no more
than £17:6:8d for
9 or 10 men & women
& between 20 & 30 children
But as they weaved
in the house, part
of the expence of clothing
is probably then
Expence of diet & cloathing
less than half
what it was under the
old management.
The Master (Satler's)
management said both
Punishment solitary
confinement & fining
a meal. Reward-giving

---page break---

No XXXIII. p. 255.
Parish Ordinance also
by T. Bernard Esqr.

Dietary given
Price 1d
Cost of materials,
exclusive of
and attendance,
70/77 of 1d.

Weight of rice
nearly quadrupled
by soaking.

The ordinary has
continued 4 months.

Health and behaviour
visibly improved.

Dinner sent
home to the sick
and convalescents.

Vicinity to the
to pilfering.

No XXXIX. p. 267.
Poor supplied with
flour at no profit at Hadham Hertford Sh.
by Rev. Br Hamilton

1. Flour Pollard
and Bran from
a quantity of wheat.

The benefactor
knows the Miller,
and sells without
Saving to the poor
4d for pack of flour

---page break---

5 Report p. 273-352

At Boldre, one copy a
day for writin though
sufficient. p. 275.

At do Gilpin, gives one
(of his own)
of the Duties of Religion
in addition to the Catchism. p. 277.

At do Master's Salary
£21 besides House &
Garden, he finding food. p. 278.

Female Friendly Society
at Empingham, Rutlandale – Period of
benefit receipt – Marriage
2 Guineas –
& Childbirth do. p. 282.

Industry School, Bamburgh
Castle, Northumberland.
above 20 foot
high – Open Gallery
7 foot high on one
side, for inspection. p. 287.

Its Boarders admitted
those who are
at too great a distance
for day Scholars. p. 289

Its done at
half price – injury
to the Superseded
Hands unnoticed. p. 291.

Benefactors time necessary
to the success
of the Charity. p. 297,
308, 301.

-fields Charity
Boilers 2 of 180 Gall.
2 of 125. p. 305.
Receipt for Soup
150 Gall. Veg. Amount 270 lb | 140 lb.
Potatoes 15 lb sold
for 2d. Quere the loss?
Expence 5/2 pr Gall.
Amount p. 307.
Time – 3 hours to
serve 2011 quarts.
p. 308. Fire lit at
5 P.M. Ingredients
sent in A.M. next day.

---page break---

Friendly Society Cause
of failure Fraud of the
Majority. Majority,
being young, divided
the money among them
cheating the old, and
formed a new Society
of their own. p. 314.

At Margarets Soup
Receipt (Post) Cost
6d pr Gall. A pint a
meal. p. 316.

Farming reprobated.
p. 319, 326, 351.

Bread / Water Diet
. Dorchester
Jail. Solitary confinement
merely reprobated.
p. 320, 321.
Encouragement money
necessary ibid.
Epping | H. of Correction
Spinning School | not named
Age 9 Years | Age prime of life –
Earnings | Earnings
Dinner 1 | Dietitian Diet 9d

Cold Bath Fields House
of Correction – Locks, 800.
Estimated Cost of cleaning and
putting them in order
£169.12s. Executed
by a Prisoner
in 11 months. p. 324.
v.p.º 18

Disinterestedness deemed
necessary. p. 326.

Child-pensioning charge
regretted, p. 326, as
an exception to the
State of Self-maintenance.

Foundling Kitchen
Boilers., dimensions. p. 329
proper – coal-dust.
Failure owing
to work – 12 hours as too much employed
p. 331. Heat after boiling
keeps water warm
all day – ibid.

---page break---

Cold Bath Fields H. of Corrn.
Whitewashing 1d
Charge £111.0.0
Cost if materials 1.7.7
Informed afterwards by
a Prisoner – Encouragement
misery great 2:12.6
p. 332

Field for a Cow 3 acres
at 30s an Acre – whereof
one acre parted
off for . p. 334.
Objection to
Cow-keeping, Cows
the by
running in the
p. 337.

A Soup of vegetables
alone at 1 1/2 a Gallon
besides garden vegetables.
p. 341.

Charity Estates perverted
to election purposes. p. 345.
Country Attornies peculate
of out them. p. 345.

22 p. 347.
Charity - Estate Report
10 June 1788 –
Charity Estate
made in 1787.
Whereof in Land } 210,000:1s.0.
p. 347.

23. p. 351
Poor-badging reprobated.

Identifier: | JB/116/459/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 116.


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poor law

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poor bettering society report





rudiments sheet (brouillon)

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jeremy bentham



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jeremy bentham

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