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I did What I would
expected was not that
he should read them
but that for his own
sake he would appear
to read them: but any
such thing you say, you

was for sanguine.

Throughout the whole
of the business, from
the time that the forgery first
of clandestine opposition
finger was help up
by the first Lord, the
general rule has been
to give or keep nothing but
hopes, and these hopes
false hopes ones. Witness
one instance sort sample instead of
a thousand – the date
of letter ordering an
official orders to make preparations for 2000
convicts. 24 Mar. 1800
in a letter concerted
for the express purpose
of making a pretence
for giving none.

This rule of the
noble Lord continues
in the instruments
now professed indeed for as being
it seems for to be
be wish departed from:
departed from
but only pro
one – not the jure but
in consideration
of the particular circumstances
of the case. I mean provided
his Lordship tintinues
in the now

If I understand the
matter right, the
giving of false hopes
is a general rule
which with his
Lordship – either a rule
order made by him or
whether made by
a rule which
he found established –
but a rule which
is supposed to admitt
of a particular
exception, favour
consideration of the particular circumstances
of this case
professed: an expectation
in which experience in this latter way of
will not to
one to indulge himself.
I will tell you what
their plan is – and where
any chance, and it depends upon
whether it can content

---page break---

P.S. In his medical
capacity, his
Lordship has given
himself more work
to do than he seems
to be aware of. He
has not only my the
mind of your honorable Servant to cure,
but that of some
learned minds which
not only go about
without a Keeper
but would be caught
at with great
eagerness by his
Lordships Attorney
if he was unfortunate
enough to stand in
need of their assistance.
It is not only the
crazy quondam
lawyer – but some a most
perfectly sober as
well as most eminently
lawyer (I speak
as yet but in the
singular) that has
pronounced his Lordship
with a numerous
tribe of
his friends punishable and in the severest degree short of death not only
in Parliament (where)
they are at term
but in a place
where justice is
at home – a
common Court of

---page break---

You, my dear
Sir, who though
a legislator, (and a
legislator to whom
in that capacity
this country has very the most substantial
as well as
obligation) do not have no
such ambition as
that of calling yourself being called
a lawyer,
to you I spare my such
unpleasant confidence.
If they
hear of their danger
before they hear of
it from Westminster
Hall, it will be through
the medium of a lawyer
ban whence if they they will
be must hear of it they will at once be ashamed
and glad to hear of

To assist your judgment
on the question
of comparative sanity
I will just
mention before
I release you, that
it depends upon
me at any time
by the mere disclosure
of a small
part of their folly
and their guilt
to set thier improved
Colony in a flame!
Rash and unfeeling
like them, were
I capable of being
so, the courses

---page break---

they go on committing
in support
of their job,
I might be led

I could still less
hesitate to produce
to the public, while
calling alound for
justice. Were I
</del> A word
from me, and
N.S. Wales would
be on fire. Theirs
being the hand by
which the combustible
matter has
been heaped up –
they would be the theirs would
be none to answer for the last of
answering for it it to
not a hair of my
head could be
singed. From
Parliament alone
could any water
be thrown in to
quench stop the
Till Parliament

Though no vessels
were sent

It depends upon
them to send vessels
or not to N.S. Wales
from home, but it
does would not depend upon
them to prevent vessels
from arriving
from North American
from Bengal or
other places with
the intelligence.

it is on this consideration is is, that
Till Parliament
sits but no longer not a
moment longer
I keep the secret
of their crimes.

---page break---

Were I not more
careful to avoid
making a premature
disclosing disclosure of their
crimes the than
they have been to
avoiding committing

He may in the
same mind in the
same state in my
evidence as laid
in the year June 1798
before the Committee
of Finance: and
of such things care
worth preserving
you yourself my
dear Sir, could furnish
him with
some specimens copies of
it – written four
years before, at
the time when
was in the bad,
and when Ld Spencer
in sitting down to seating himself for the first time at the same table with
Mr Pitt, and he
stood up and said
I am now above the
law, and ask
would got to be so
Mr Pitt answering
and saying – so
you are.

I will tell you what
their plan is.
In the
first place they froth at
the feel of your bag of
oats: that gained which
is impossible, then with
that in their hand they
froth at the feel (such
feel as adders have) of
the deaf adder. I mean
pious Lord, who is so
well known to take that
of scripture history
for his model on
all occasions. Apprehension lost they

---page break---

should fail on another
instance (and this
not fact alike in
thence ) the expedition of discourse and
the about the
giving of false hopes,
and Values, ours have
been shut
against everything there
could be and to learn
about the effects of the
plan upon the value of
his land by his Land
Steward and his Surveyor
as well as about yourself to yourself
my worthy friend
Surveyor, if not likely
can hardly be expected to
open them very widely on such ground to a
Lord of the Treasury, or
a Secretary of State.

This and has
this passed again
Sir H. Bunbury
was for satisfaction? My dear
Sir you have not
been at the
. This is
more. One out of
the box of all
This is
the crumbs old again & again
this is
Santumathon, and
over again & again with
Ephraim Jenkins
at the bottom of it.
This, your Order is of those of
the old sort. out of
the very box of the Rise
of all rises.
Sir so a
rat in any self yur
humble Servant
not at any
such .

ideas So long ago as the
10th of the September
1801 Mr Vansittart
(as he declares in
a letter which for copy of which
has for I have not
how many months
have been in the
Pelham's hands
of Ld Pelham)
has been or was labouring
in the fruitless
endeavour of finding
"an" opportunity of
consulting with Ld Pelham
an his part
is now undertaking
an expedition for the
purpose of finding
out what steps
have been taken
by the
Treasury i:e: by
Mr Vansittart, the
papers in his Lordships
hands showing him
all the while that
no depretiation
has ever been taken
or ever been intended
to be taken thus:

---page break---

One thing I should
be glad to know
is beyond out of doubt
with him or is
not out of doubt
that Panopticon that N.S. Wales
is better than it has no such virtue
in it, as to distingui
the engagements
S. Wales. If it be
taken with in respect of Panopticon
why does he not
recommend it give
it his support immediately:
in the
opposite case, why
does he not call
upon me for those papers, the
object which are
of which he has
expressly tendered
& loudly the contents
to him, and of
which the object is
to satisfy put an
end to all such
doubts? – I mean
always to all pretences
of such

Not of roses
which it was to pass
for: but the drug thing of
all most opposite
to it. Otto a
Roza Munde: –
non Roza Munda.
as opposite as light
I have any
and darkness
box full of it,


Mix essence of goats
flesh with a little
of the common perfume
upon the
of it. I sickened
it at the at the very first
sniff of it.

---page break---

Was it in your the
power to do more
or in the power of
any man in your
situation place to do
more? Most certainly
not: and
therefore, scanty
as I any satisfaction,
my gratitude for your exertions is as
overflowing, and as
sincere, as if the
satisfaction fruits of
them had been ever
so abundant and
so ripe, I am
most truly yours.

This your Rosa
munda? No
it is rare an old state. Rosa
munda. I know
it but too well at the first sniff
it has the Old
turning upon interest to . No not
at any time those
six years would any
have passed upon me
to be serious.
I found it out at learned from
the first .

Mr Addingtons
pr mode of doing
justice has been, to
act in the strictest
concert with the party
accused, and to hear
nothing on
the other side: to turn
a deaf ear to the
most respectable irrecusable evidence: the more
respectable, the more
to be
repelled: repelled till
by force of time all
shall have evaporated.

---page break---

least of all the
injury from
the character of an
injured man, the
the imputation
cast upon it by the
anonymous libel that
stolen from that seat
of corruption called the House of Commons.

If he had meant
any thing a still
shorter letter than
even this short letter
would have been sufficient.
There lies
the engagement of
his for
the 2000: there
lies his Memorial
expressive of the terms
grounded on it:
those very terms
which with the
were at all had

Pitt Rose Long, King
Portland Addington
at the
bottom of it.

but more could not
be done efficiently
and verbal explanation
might have
done the rest.

in conversion
to which the approbation
of Mr Long
had been declared
over and over again to
Mr King Nepean under
the determination
of not fulfilling either
those terms or any
other. To send
this Memorial with
a letter urging the
compliance with
the pages of it
was the thing needful
and the only thing
of use: these he
could not do: formally
I and ,
as he would not do.
If anything was to be done
left he can never
do, should anything
ever be done

---page break---

In arguing on
out your endeavours
to obtain for your humble Servant an audience
the happiness of the thing
as his Lordship
for me you strove
for what you it
doubt any naturally as one
would be of serviceable body does
or at least might be
acceptable to me,
but was not the
object of any
of even wish of mine.

To see an honest
man in his that situation
could certainly
be a pleasure
to me a sight as
acceptable as new.
But like he has proved
himself of supposing
him capable of proving
him such, whatever
not altogether annexed
with fear
is the only sort of cluster
that can be produced
in his mind
by the presence of
a whethr
endured what I have

That done, then
would have come the
sending for me as <add>now</add> he
phrases it – for the
purpose of giving those
verbal assurances which that
the recommendation
given transmitted from the upper
floor and received on
the other was intended
on both floors to be carried
into effect.

---page break---

Not that verbal assurances would in themselves be any security: not that even the act of such transmission could be a sufficient
security. I found it an insufficient one in the case of the Memorial transmitted by Mr Dundas in 1794 for the purpose of claiming
these: but in short nothing of the actual signature of the can give any tolerable security under the system of morality in this case to
when verbal assurances are added to written acts, this is all the satisfaction that the nature of
the case affords.

Identifier: | JB/116/461/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 116.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

panopticon versus new south wales

Folio number


Info in main headings field

panopticon jb to bunbury brouillon ld pelham distrusted





rudiments sheet (brouillon)

Number of Pages




Page Numbering


jeremy bentham; john herbert koe




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Notes public

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