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Letter 2d

Decr 1802

XVI. Improved prisons

what doubt can mercy will/can be shewn there be left by for an offer to maintain 200
prisoners or thereabouts, for a sum of £400 a year—not plus
but minus. How much longer will the great persons
suffer him to go about remain without a keeper continue out of Bedlam?—I see
him trembling alone all : I hasten to
him under see Your Lordship trembling for him, by in
mere sympathy: I hasten to present Your Lordship with
the balm of tranquillity to pour into his ear.—
The Cold Bath Fields Prison, (Your Lordship may be pleased to observe to him) is already up exists is up already:
it exists is up high in favour: and what is beyond every
thing, and without which every thing else would be as nothing—
thing, there is no Gospel-propagating Lord—no friend of the great
persons to get up and whisper up the back
staircase and whisper in his ear—up or not up
the spot all of it is too near me—it must not be I will not suffer it to be
made use of.

Let him come forward then with his offer (I
mean the worthy Magistrate) It is as yet but a
hypothetical one:—let him convert it into a
categorical one:—accepted or not by the Country,
he has nothing to fear from the great persons, so long as provided
he can but keep clear of himself from "flattery":
for that would be the sin against the ..... I must
leave it to him to include the substance.
As to the
£400 a year, Your Lordship and he together will be able to find a
use for it: it will just do for another serve to a within a trifle for a place of Inspector
of prisons
; to smell at the same nosegay with the Inspector of Hulks+ it will afford serve for otium cum
to+ Governor: : who, if he does not do much
good to a prison by governing it, will <add>would<add> might at any rate
not do much do no harm to it, by inspecting it at a distance.

+1 who will be on the
carpet presently:

+2 the declared
protege of the
worthy Magistrate's
I mean the so
well protected Governor:
a personage

Identifier: | JB/116/577/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 116.



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Main Headings

panopticon versus new south wales

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Info in main headings field

letter 2d






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jeremy bentham




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Notes public

letter was never sent; see note 8 to letter 1747, vol. 7

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