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Feby 1, 1791. To Parnell

Thus what something he
for you upon
I could show you
what he said upon
paper to I suppose
the same effect, and
what he has reprevailed
me for not sending to
and you if it would & which could
and you if it would
be of any use.

I have something to that effect <add>on that subject upon paper which when you were at Brixton.</add> he designed for you, and which he has
reproached me for not never forwarding to you — I could it send it you, at any
if it would answer any purpose.

I know in general, but not yet in particular
for I have had no time not had a moment to know what Ld L. a friend of ours said to you on a certain subject:
it is for you to judge, and not for me to say
whether [+] the country would would be likely to be the better for it.
[+] it would be any
use to any body
to know it so

find its account in in any way having it so. But perhaps
you have too much activity more industry & more resource obs already in and
about a certain Bench. [+] my I would rather see the whole stock
[+] than you know what to do with
of the those troublesome books commodities removed to the other side of the way

I inclose you a paper which you will make
use what use of you think fit: it forms a sort
of sequel to the outline I sent before former one. If the project
it shall not to doubt for never be want
of any thing I can do to put set it upon its legs.
I should humbly conceive that as times go, and
according to what you have been used to in Ireland
if you got a new and good plan of somewhat
less than the expence than that of the old bad one, you
will not be badly off upon the whole. Had I
even the offer be fond of going to a choose to go over over such
country with a fresh load for it in my hand.
My plan would be this. To pay in the first place
as a rent interest for the money laid out in building
at the exact rate you borrowed it at: in the next

Identifier: | JB/117/034/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 117.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings


Folio number


Info in main headings field






Number of Pages




Page Numbering

f1 / f2 / f3 / f4


jeremy bentham


[[watermarks::floyd & co [britannia with shield motif]]]


Paper Producer

arthur young


Paper Produced in Year

Notes public

letter 741, vol. 4

ID Number


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