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were at the same time to be comprehended in the change.

This idea I have accordingly ventured to suggest, and though it
has not yet been complied with, the reception given to it was not
altogether a discouraging one.

As to the annual allowance per head — since the approbation
given to my demand of £12 (which was in July 1793) the allowance to
the present contractors on the Hulk Plan has throughout been raised
a penny a day per head, amounting by the year to £1.10.5: the use
in the price of provisions having been the evident ground of this
allowance, the same indemnification would bot (I suppose) be
thought unreasonable in my case.

Question 3d. Do you think you should now be able to exhibit
vouchers for, or distinct statements of, the £9000 you speak of.
Answer. I have taken care to preserve vouchers for the money
expended in materials for the building itself, to an amount more
equal to what I have received as above: and for the rest
I should think that satisfactory vouchers might be collected:
although, the money being my own, and no conceptions entertained
of any occasion for accounting to on with any body on the subject,
I had no reason for keeping vouchers as such. On March 1793 on
my applying for the £2000, which I did through M<hi rend="underline">rNepean
(then under secretary in the Home Department) my brother delivered
or produced to that gentleman, a hasty sketch of our accounts, drawn
up in obedience to a suggestion made at the moment for the purpose.
At that early stage of the concern, it contained (I remember)
Articles to the amount of above £4,600: after which it was
needless to look out for more. Upwards of £500 of it went for
Patents, which are become of so old a date, that before I could
now make any advantage of the inventions in the proposed
Penitentiary House, more than half the terms would be expired.

After a variety of unsuccessful attempts, in which no inconsiderable
part of the money was expended, we had already
succeeded in executing, by machinery, planing work, sawing
work, from large Timber down to of our unexampled fineness

Identifier: | JB/117/095/004
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 117.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings


Folio number


Info in main headings field




examination of jeremy bentham esqr june 23rd 1798



Number of Pages




Page Numbering

f1 / f2 / f3 / f4



j whatman


Paper Producer

admiral pavel chichagov


Paper Produced in Year

Notes public

ID Number


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