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Heads of the Tothill Fields Inclosure Bill -

each, the 3d by the Teoffee.-

Business how to be transacted
by the Commissioners.

Sect. 12. Mode of transacting business at the meetings of the
Commissioners - Place and times of attendance.-

Vacancies among Commissioners

Sect 13 Provisions for filling up eventual vacancies in the number
of the Commissioners. -

Roads, Fences, Drains, &c
how to set out, made,
and kept in repair.-

Sect.14. Teoffee, with convenience of 2 Justices, empowered to set out
limited Roads, in ieu of the unlimited Rights of way over Portion's
A and B and (if necessary for the Security of the Establishment)
to stop up any such as may be spared without inconvenience: and,
in regard to such as may be necessary, to divert them, if needful
from their present course to a more convenient direction over any
othe Ground purchased for the Establishment. Compensation for
damage to Individuals by a Jury at the Sessions as by the
the Highway Act 13, Geo.3.c. The Commissioners abovementioned
empowered to set out the requisite Roads on and for Lot C. Teoffee to
put and keep in repair the Roads leading over and contiguous to
Lots A & B, and to keep up, or make and keep up, the requisite
Drains and Bridges. -

Power to pull down the
Five Chimneys.-

Sect. 15. Teoffee improvement to pull down the five-Chimney Alms
House or Poor-House: as the space occupied by it, and the resort to
it, would interfere with the Security and good order of the intended
Penitentiary House. -

SS. 16.p.
Teoffee to erect on Lot C a
new Poor House in lieu
of the Five-Chimneys.

Sect. 16. Teoffee, to erect, on a part of Lot C, a new Poor-House
with Apartments, out-Houses, and Yards, as separate and extensive
as in the existing Poor-House - all rights existing with reference to
the existing Poor-House to be transferred to the new one.-

SS 17.p.
Compensation to the
Inhabitants in the
mean time. -

Sect. 17 Teoffee to make an allowance to the Inhabitants of the
Five Chimneys; for expence of removal and a weekly allowance for Lodging till the new
House is ready for their reception - Appeal to 2 Justices in case of
insufficiency or non payment of the allowance: Order to be inforced
upon Teoffee as upon an Overseer of the Poor.-


the Parishioners, or at least all the Householders, of the two Parishes.
it was thought just to extend the benefit of the Compensation to all who pay
to the Scavengers-rate: that is, to as many as it could be extended to, many
paying to that rate who do not pay to the Poors rate: There seemed
no other way in which a benefit to so small an amount could be
extended to, and shared in an equable manner among, so large
a number of Individuals. It is hoped that upon this plan all
who shared or could have shared in the benefit taken away,
will be sharer's in the compensation.-

Identifier: | JB/117/106/003
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 117.



Marginal Summary Numbering




Main Headings


Folio number


Info in main headings field

no. 1 heads of the tothill fields inclosure bill




heads of the tothill fields inclosure bill, intituled, a bill for explaining and amending an act made in the 34 year of his present majesty, intituled, "an act for erecting a penitentiary house or houses for confining and employing convicts"



Number of Pages




Page Numbering

f1 / f2 / f3 / f4



tw 1794


Paper Producer

francis hall


Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

ID Number


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