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Case relative to the Tothill Fields Bill.
Tothill Fields appeared to be 67—at present not above 58 Acres
can be made out, though the Map above spoken of is not above
30 years old or some such matter.|| The difference, amounting at
any rate to several Acres, has within that space of time been
pilfered by degrees by different individuals, under favor of the
inattention or facility of the Dean and Chapter on the one part,
and on the other part with the privity (as has been said) and by the
connivance, or with the concurrence of the Tradesmen in whose
hands the management of the Parish concerns has happened to
be vested during that time.
|| Since this Case was written, a considerable part of the
apparent deficiency has been accounted for.
Under the circumstances there are three descriptions of
Persons, of whom (naturally speaking) nothing could be expected
but that they should be disposed to throw every obstruction possible
in the way of the proposed appropriation. 1st The Possessors of
the Fruits of past Encroachments, for which, on the occasion of any
settlement of the property they would naturally be apprehensive of
being called to account: 2dly Those who have similar projects of encroachment
in speculation; and 3<hi rend="underline">dly The Private Friends of both Classes,
among such of the Vestrymen, as are of have been in the habit
of taking the lead in the management of the parochial concerns.
These Encroachments, by which a value, and that in point of
affection a very high one, may have been given, to many an odd
scrap of Ground, which till then had was in fact of no value at all to
any body, have derived a very natural origin, and that in a
very considerable degree an excuse, from the sort of inattention
above spoken of. It might therefore be an act of extensive utility,
as well as commendable indulgence, to insert into the Bill (at a
proper stage) a Clause of indemnity and oblivion in favor of
those who experience this need of it. The Bishop of Rochester,
the Representative of the Parties injured, in the House of Lords,
occupies a situation, from which a Clause to such an effect would
come, as it should seem, with singular propriety and grace: it is accordingly proposed,
should the Bill go on, to chuse a fit Channel for conveying to
Identifier: | JB/117/109/003 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 117.
117 |
panopticon |
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case relative to the tothill fields bill |
003 |
collectanea |
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recto |
f9 / f10 / f11 / f12 |
g & ep 1794 |
fr3 |
1794 |
38726 |