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When this Report was made by Mr. Drake it was moved that the Vestries should adjourn
until Tuesday the 15th Instant and that the same should be then taken into consideration.


Tuesday Octr. 15th 1796

The Vestries of the United Parishes of St. Margaret and St. John the Evangelist
Westminster met pursuant to adjournment. —

Present &c &c &c

The Proceedings of the last joint vestry read and confirmed. —
Question whether those Vestries shall go the length to adopt or to oppose...
the Application that has been made to them thro' the Medium of the the Dean
and Chapter of Westminster?

Many Ancient Records produced shewing that the Dean and Chapter are Lords
of the Manor of Westminster. —

That a Lord of a Manor has a right to apply for Inclosure &c.

The right of the Parishes became next an object of Consideration — to establish this
it was shewn that in 1610 a sum was paid by the Churchwardens of St. Margaret's for
making Butts for the Parishioners to shoot at. —

Letter from Sir Robert Cecil (1602) was read ordering the Bailiff and Burgesses
of Westminster to repair the Road. —

Churchwardens ordered to build ten Rooms... for Pesthouses 1626. —

Grant for a new Church Yard. Now this is burying ground of the Broadway
Chapel. —

Parish Arms kept in the Artillery House Tothill Fields. No part of the Common
let for private Uses. —

1675. The Bishop of Rochester Dean of Westminster who then viewed Tothill
Fields... gave up all right to it to the Churchwardens
of St. Margaret upon Condition that they should cleanse the Ditches and keep the
road in repair and also remove nuisances. And in consequence of this Agreement
the sum of seventy five pounds (a large sum in those Days) was expended.

1686 Land Loom and Gravel Dug in Tothill Fields by order of Vestry.

1696. A Committee of Vestry to inspect their right to Tothill Fields. —

Identifier: | JB/117/132/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 117.



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saint margarets vestry octr 9th 1796 / tuesday octr 15th 1796



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lady bentham



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