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together with the names of the respective Occupiers and their respective Rents
and exhibited in the Schedule marked B and hereunto annexed —

And whereas the said Jeremy Bentham under the powers of the said
Act and by direction of the said Commissioners of the Treasure hath given
Notice to the said John Donne, to quit possession on the 25th of this instant March
of all such Tenements, Parcel of the said Estate, as he holds either on
Lease or at Will, and thereupon to surrender to him the said Jeremy Ben-
tham all his right and interest to and in the premises.—

And whereas the said John Donne hath claimed and made demand
of the sum of £500 as the value of such his right and interest in respect
of the said Nursery Ground inasmuch as such quitting possession of the
same on the 25th instant March, instead of the 25th of March 1801 will
be attended with damage to him the said John Donne to the said amount
of £500 according to the said estimate contained in the Schedule marked A and hereunto annexed.—

And whereas the said John Donne hath moreover claimed and made
demand of the further sum of £183,19 as the value of his right and interest
in and to the said several Tenements comprized in the said Schedule B
inasmuch as such quitting possession as aforesaid will be attended with damaga
to him the said John Donne to the amount of the said sum of £
the same being the aggregate amount of the said Rents for the Year ending on the said 25th of March 1801.

And whereas the said estimated sum of £500 and £183,19
making together the sum of £183,19 the sum which the said Jeremy
Bentham in the exercise of the discretion in that behalf reposed in him
by the said Commissioners of the Treasure, under the powers of the said
Act, thinks fit to be allowed, in satisfaction of the said damage and as and

Identifier: | JB/117/163/002
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 117.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings


Folio number


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am 1798


Paper Producer

frances wright


Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

see note 3 to letter 1526, vol. 6

ID Number


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