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Panopt. Convict Apprenticeship Examples on Bill

21 April 1811

Add Proviso for the .

Be it enacted &c.

That all such persons every such person as in virtue of any sentence conviction
of any felonious or other transportable offence shall by
pronounced upon him in any Court of law or have been
sentence of any Court or other lawful order be committed
to any lawful place of confinement within
England may under the care of the Gaoler or
other person having charge of or persons having on that behalf charge of, or in such place of confinement
be put to and employed in any such lawful
trade or occupation, trades or occupations, as he or she is or may be apt and able
for: and that moreover every such felonious or other transportable
convict as aforesaid who in any such place or places of
confinement shall have been kept lawfully kept in confinement for the space of one
year or more shall and may at all times after the expiration
of his or her sentence be free to exercise on his or her
own account or on account of any Master or Employer
any such trade or occupation as he or she may
be apt and able for, "any Statute, Law, Ordinance
Custom or Provision to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding."

"nor shall such
"persons or their wives
"or children during the
"time they shall exercise
"such trades be removable
"from such respective
"place or places to his
"her or their last legal
place of settlement
by virtue of any law
"in being relative to the
"Settlement of the Poor
"would such persons shall
"become actually chargeable
"to such Parish or Place."
24 G.3. Sess. 2. c.6. §. 1.

Add General Issue and double costs as per
22 G.2. c.44. §. 1.

☞ For fear of alarm might
it not be better to omitt
this anti-removal
clause. There can be
no end of it till the
Panopticon system has
been approved or reprobated
by experience.

Identifier: | JB/117/319/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 117.



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panopticon versus new south wales

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panopt. convict apprenticeship exemption bill





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jeremy bentham



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