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Apr 1810 3 3 Panopt. J. B. to Penitentiary Committee Letter 7 [6]
II. 1 §.7 35.
Against abuse the
efficiency of any security
will be as the amplitude
of the means and the
potency of the motives
afforded by it. p. 12.
II. 2 36.
Amplitude of the means
will be as the openness
of the scene: —
Potency of the motives, —
will be as the number
of the motives, the force
of each, and the
number of the persons
actuated by it. p. 12.
II. 3 37.
In Panopticon these
quantities are each of
them at a maximum. p. 12
II 4 38.
In a House of Correction, sole
motive for inspection
and eventual accusation,
— public spirit: p 13.
II. 5 39.
In Panopticon
1. No of possible inspectors
is to do in House
of Correction as the whole
neighborhood to a few
specially appointed Inspectors. p 13
40. II 6
2. Motives, in addition
to public spirit as above,
curiosity, jealousy, envy &c.
Motives which had they
no operation in any
other than this case
would be not bad but
good ones. 1 p 13
To curiosity, attractiveness
of the
---page break---
7 continued II. 7 41.
3. To curiosity, attractiveness
of the bait, is as
the magnitude of the
4. To jealousy or envy
the excitement is inversely
as the number of the
managers, directly as
their altitude. Their
altitude is as the
magnitude of the establishment;
thence, on
a double account the
efficiency of the security
is as the magnitude
of the establishment. p.13.
II.8 42.
<p>For these reasons the
larger the establishment
the more favourable
to good management
in all other points besides
frugality. p 14
§ 8. III 1. 43.
So likewise to frugality. p 14
III. 2 44
In Pauper Management
this shewn
to be the case on the
Panopticon Principle,
viz. 1. in respect of
the expence of construction. p. 14
III. 3. 45
2 in respect of do of
official establishments
— a constant expence. p.14
III. 4 46
Saving on construction,
3 out of 4: on official
establishment, equally
great. p.14
§9 47. III. 5
Objection. — 2000 an unwieldy
Answer Yes any where but
in Panopticon; even the
900 on the old plan, containing
900 Houses.
In Panopticon of the one
building containing 2000
the inhabited parts are pervaded
by one glance. p12
---page break---
§.10 VII. 1. 50 or 1
An invention so full
of details will scarcely
be looked upon as
likely to prosper so well
in other hands as in
the inventors.. p.18.
VII. 2. 51 or 2
But, with the invention,
in the unfittest
hands that could be
chosen the management
would be better carried
on, than without it
in the best possible
hands p. 18
VII. 3 52 or 3
Hence J.B. could
never without a pang
hear of the institution
of any other
establishment to
which the principle
is applicable: particularly
for prisoners
of war. p
Hence his anxiety
that none such should
be begun till this is
tried. p.1.9.
VII or 4
53 or 4
<p>— and thence, that
Temporary Panopt. offer
be accepted and promptly
executed. p. 19.
Identifier: | JB/117/400/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 117.
1811-04 |
35-47, 50 or 1 - 53 or 4 |
117 |
panopticon |
400 |
panopt. jb to penitentiary committee letter iii |
001 |
marginal summary sheet |
1 |
recto |
d3 / f3 |
john herbert koe |
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