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aforesaid, on any other ground than that of the said terms appearing
in some respects too burthensome to your Memorialist, have by
the said delay which has already intervened, been rendered by so
much the worse than it was intended they should be, and that
to an amount for which no adequate compensation can be made,
and must of course be rendered worse & worse, for every farther delay
that may ensue —

That in as much as no reimbursement can ever be obtained by
him for the said expence or any part thereof, untill long after the
building for the reception of such prisoners shall have been erected,
your Memorialist, as well as in consideration thereof, as out of his
zeal for the public service, has been induced to give order for the
casting of the iron-work, of which a principal part of the said intended
structure will be composed, & such order, to the amount of
several thousand pounds, has for some time been executing: of
which expence, unless speedy measures shall be taken by your
Lordships, for his relief, he burthen must fall upon your
Memorialist, to the great injury of his private fortune.

With respect to the choice of your Memorialist in quality
of Feoffee as abovementioned, he begs leave humbly to observe
that the suggestion originated not from himself but from the
gentleman by whom he understood the Bill to have been drawn;
by whom he was informed that it was in the view, as he conceived
of making appointment of your Memorialist, said no other person,
in that quality, that the provision in question was introduced.
Your Memorialist thereupon presumes it unnecessary
on his part to trouble your Lordships with any reasons in
behalf of such an appointment, unless his conception as abovementioned
should prove to have been erroneous, or that any
doubts in respect of the propriety of such an arrangement
should have suggested themselves since that time.

With regard to the said existing spot, which was the original
& fundamental basis of your Memorialist said amended

Identifier: | JB/118/107/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 118.


Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings


Folio number


Info in main headings field





copy/fair copy sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering

c5 / c6




Paper Producer


jeremy bentham

Paper Produced in Year

Notes public

[[notes_public::see notes to letter 1020, vol. 5 and letter 1309, vol. 6; "not inserted / consulted" [notes in bentham's hand]]]

ID Number


Box Contents

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