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Proposal and the adherence to which was all along taken for
granted during the whole course of the said existing treaty, without
any objection on either part to the propriety of the said choice,
your Memorialist should not have thought it necessary for him
to touch even thus slightly upon the subject, had it not been for
a clause in the said Act, whereby your Lordships, as your Memorialist
perceives, are left at liberty to pitch upon that or any other
"as proper & convenient spot", if any such sport is to be found.
As to this point then, your Memorialist conceives it will be sufficient
for him humbly to observe, that inasmuch as upon the
supposition of any new choice, your Memorialist's capacity of
fulfilling his said intended engagements being by the nature
of his said business dependent on situation, he is by the very nature
of the case a necessary party to any such new choice, and
inasmuch as particular convenience with relation to his particular
circumstances & means is thereby a necessary ingredient
in the said general idea of convenience, and inasmuch as your
Lordships are left at equal liberty by the terms of the said Act to
adhere to the choice so sanctioned by the 12 Judges, at the same
time that your Lordships stand precluded from pitching upon
any spot which is not in every point of view "as proper and convenient"
as the said existing one, it seems unnecessary for him
to trespass upon your Lordships time with any arguments in
support of a choice, so deliberately made, so solemnly sanctioned,
and so frequently confirmed, unless any specific doubts with respect
to the propriety of adhering thereto should present themselves:
in which event, your Memorialist, reposing himself with the fullest
confidence upon your Lordships justice, doubts not the being
able to afford your Lordships on every such point the compleatest satisfaction.
Identifier: | JB/118/107/002 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 118.
118 |
panopticon |
107 |
002 |
copy/fair copy sheet |
2 |
recto |
c5 / c6 |
[[notes_public::see notes to letter 1020, vol. 5 and letter 1309, vol. 6; "not inserted / consulted" [notes in bentham's hand]]] |
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