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Dundas, have you
taken your arrangements
in consequence
of what passed t'other
Mr Bentham.
Not as yet Sir; I did
not look upon myself
as sufficiently warranted
without some a more full
than I have as yet
been honoured with.
Mr Dundas – Oh,
then now you will.
Mr Pitt (who stood
close to Mr Dundas
behind & Mr Bentham
being at a little distance.) There will
be some little matters
of detail to adjust:
those you will
settle with Mr Nepean:
I have given
him all the papers
for that purpose.
---page break---
1 June 1791
J.B. to Dundas
solliciting his
assistance, & stating
that a few
weeks before Long
had announed
in form Pitt's
consent to Battersea
---page break---
25 21 Sept. 1794
Dundas Watsons to J.B.
Refuses to transmitt
Memorial in
Status quo.
25 Sept. 1794
C. Long Treasury
to J.B. defending
himself against
the imputations
in J.B.'s
of 16 Aug. to
31 Oct. 1794
J.B. to Dundas
inclosing amended
Memorial for him
to present – having
been advised that
he would present it
by Garthshore 4
Oct. received at
Hendon 7th.
31 Dec. 1794
Inclosing printed
Reasons (with the
additions) in favour
of Battersea Rise,
according to order
to help Dundas's
memory. The letter
itself suppressed at
desire of Long, because
it of the difficulties
if any
about Battersea Rise
being at an end –
Long having said
as much )30 Dec), but not
choosing it should
be thus reported to
---page break---
30 Mar. 1794.
Letter from Mr Bentham
to Mr Nepean stating
how he was ordered to
take his arrangements –
stating his distresses –
Col. Bentham's loss of
his Regiment – impossibility
of going on unless
a Bill were passed
that Session.
6 May 1794
Long to J.B.
Warrant for £2,000
ordered in consequence.
8 May 1794
Motion by Dundas
on bringing in the
18 June 1794
Bill having yesterday
past the Lords,
J.B. to Nepean
ask stating that the
Iron casting was
ex necessitate begun
and praying £10,000
being the first instalment
on the Contract – the advance
prayed by
J.B. to Nepean
on 30 March not
being yet received.
26 June 1794. Reced
from the Exchequer £2000
subject to deductions.
18 Aug. 1794
J.B. to Dundas
inclosing Memorial
of same date for
addressed to the
Treasury, for Dundas
to transmitt.
---page break---
31 Oct. 1794
M Letter from
Mr Bentham to
Rt. Hon. H. Dundas
enclosing a Memorial
of that same date
for him to transmitt
to the Treasuring stating
disbursement inconvenience
from the
delay &c and praying
a decision in
relation to the Land.
30 Decr 1794
Longs verbal communication
that Battersea
Rise was approved
of – allusion to it
31 Decr 1794. J.B.
to Dundas.
Identifier: | JB/118/132/003 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 118.
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jeremy bentham |
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