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Long, the exact date of which is unknown to Your
Memorialist, have since been pleased, at the solicitation
of Your Memorialist, to refer to the Surveyor General of
the Crown Lands, for his Report relative to the price
demanded in the same. —
-- d<hi rend="underline">o of Lot D --
referred to d<hi rend="underline">o -
That the said Mr Wise, is moreover Proprietor of
another Estate (distinguished by the appellation of Lot D
in the said Map hereunto annexed) which, though
not, literally speaking, contiguous, wants but little of
being so, to the said Lot B; and that the said Mr
Smith, in behalf of the said Mr. Wise, understanding
from Your Memorialist that an additional quantity
of land, over and above the several Lots above specified,
might eventually be to be purchased for the same use,
did, by another Letter, bearing date on or about the
said 12th of August last, and addressed to the said
M<hi rend="underline">r. Secretary Long, in like manner make offer of the
said Lot D: — which said last mentioned offer Your
Lordships, by the above mentioned or some other Letter
from the said Mr Secretary Long, were moreover pleased
to refer to the Surveyor General, for the like purpose
as abovementioned. —
Quantities, of the
several adjacent pieces
of Ground, the purchase
of which is in
contemplation --
Having thus brought to view the said several
proposed purchases, together with the proceedings
that have respectively been had in relation to the
same —
Identifier: | JB/118/210/004 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 118.
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panopticon |
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copy/fair copy sheet |
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[[watermarks::[monogram] 1799 [britannia with shield emblem]]] |
1799 |
see note to letter 1541, vol. 6 |
39264 |