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C. 4
To Mr Nepean This to be consulted
in case of necessity -- Pray return it -- It was thus corrected
in the hope of
its being forwarded
in this state
to Mr White
with a Supplemental
Article not
herewith sent --
+ Articles of Agreement Indented had made concluded
and agreed upon this _____ Day of _____ in the 36th 40th Year
of the Reign of Our Sovereign Lord George the 3rd by the Grace of
God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender
of the Faith and so forth, and in the Year of Our Lord one
thousand seven eight hundred. and ninety six. Between the Right
eight/ J/
Honorable the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's
Treasury of the one part and Jeremy Bentham of
Lincoln's Inn in the County of Middlesex Esquire of the
other part.
+N.B. The present copy,
being taken from a copy in
some places incorrect, has been
corrected by the printed copy,
printed in the Appendix
to the 28th Report of the Committee
on Finance dated 26th June 1798.
But, the printed copy being
also in some few particulars
incorrect, the requisite corrections
are subjoined in the
Margin of this Paper in Red
Ink, with the word "Correction"
to point them out. By the
word "Amendment" is indicated
the substitutions, insertions,
and omissions, expressive of such
recent variations from the
original agreement as have
either been proposed or approved
on the part of the Lords
Commissioners. --
Whereas in and by an Act of Parliament made
and Passed on the seventh day of July in the Year of our Lord
1794 and in the 34th Year of His Majesty's Reign entitled
"An Act for erecting a Penitentiary House or Houses for confining
"and employing Convicts" — It was enacted (among other things)
that the Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being
should as soon as conveniently might be fix upon a certain
Piece or Pieces of Ground therein described or upon any other
Convenient and proper Spot of Ground which might be
Lawfully Purchased under the Powers of the said Act and to be
Situate as therein is mentioned, upon which should be erected
one or more Penitentiary House or Houses for the purpose of
Confining and employing in Hard Labour such Convicts
as should be removed thither by order of His Majesty his
Heirs or Successors, under the Powers therein mentioned; and
should and might Contract and agree with any Person or
Persons for the Erecting and Building one or more Penitentiary
House of Houses upon the Ground to be appropriated for
that purpose in such manner and under and for such
considerations, Terms, Conditions, Powers, Limitations, and
Restrictions, as the said Commissioners should deem necessary
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to mr nepean this to be consulted in case of necessity - pray return it |
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correspondence |
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