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This the execution of an
engagement intimated
by the former Letter. p 1.
1. Difficulty 1.
Females to be provided
for: difficulty to J.B. to
settle the correspondent
encrease of head money. p 1.
Solution – No encrease
desired. to Profit if any,
from other sources shall
be applied to this loss. p 1.
In case of neat loss on
the whole, early notice
and J.B.'s contract
given up. p.2.
Observation – Urgency
respecting the females,
J.B.'s proposal for meeting
it viz Temporary
Panopticon on part of
Lord Salisbury's: viz
1. Surrounding Wall
2. External Watch Houses
as per plan. p 3
Mere Watch Houses
as many as Gentlemen
desired. p 3
Sex of Guards – Male
Female or Mixt. p 4
Suppose Chelsea Pensioners,
– to watch & patrole
as at Ranelagh. p 4.
For Temp. Panopt. Land
haveable at short warning. p 5.
Objection – unhealthiness
from lowness.
Answer. J.B. never
heard of any such unhealthiness – Ld Grosvenor
fixed here for health
by his Physicians. p 5
---page break---
J.B's Offer to do every thing
towards planning and erecting
Temp. Panopticon
– he not being charged
with the money
and at liberty to exempt
himself from the responsibility
of what he
disapproved. p.5.
Further use of the Temp.
1 School of experiment
for Permanent do. p 6
2. In case of success
it might be continued
as long as it lasted. p.6.
3. In case of non-success,
the management
might be taken out of
J.B.'s hands, before
any such loss had been incurred
as might be
incurred on the larger
Scale. p.6.
In case of success, Female
Official Establishment
might be continued
there or transferred
to the female
part of the Permanent
Panopt. p 6.
If continued, so much
the more room left
in Permanent for Males. p.6.
---page break---
Conceditur. The Committed
alternative is
not between 1300 and
1000, but between 1000
& 700. p 7
Supposed reason for the
reduction apprehension
about safe custody
so near the Metropolis. p.7
Answer: reference to
Letter. 1. to Ld Pelham
p.52, including Pauper
Managet & Panopticon
Letters. p.7.
If this not satisfactory.
1. content that
that the numbers
first given be reduced
so as the physical
power of compleating
it be reserved. p.7
Probably it would not
have been J.B.'s own
plan to take in the
whole number at
once: adding to it
according to experience. p 8
Fixt supply for indefinitely
variably exigency
improper. p.8
Proposal. Let the advocates
for the 1000
or the 700 (including
the 300 females) fix
for J.B. a term of probation,
after which the
number might be
compleated. p 8.
Objection. Supposing
300 females unprofitable
as above, the
source of your profit
would be reduced to 700
or 300. p.9.
---page break---
J.B's Answer. Apply
the remaining profit
to cover the loss: if
insufficient, supply
at public expence,
J.B. dismissed or not. p.9
Unvariable supply
for an indefinitely
variable demand, a
common error in
legislation: Witness
1. Fixt penalties.
2. Fixt intervals of
of delay in Judicature. p 10
Magnitude of the Building,
– its importance
on J.B.'s plan to
the purpose of attracting
unpaid ungarbled and
uncorruptible Inspectors
in he character of
curious Spectators.
See Pan. p.67. Contractor's
Checks. p 11
Expence of Temp. Pan.
would not be all thrown
1. The sort of materials
might be selected
with a view to this. p 12
2. Of the four surrounding
Walls of Temp.
Panopt. one might
serve for Permanent
do. p 12
Identifier: | JB/118/232/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 118.
1811-04-01 |
1-29 |
118 |
panopticon |
232 |
letter ii to penitentiary committee |
001 |
marginal summary sheet |
1 |
recto |
f1 |
john herbert koe |
39286 |