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25 Aug. 1811
Panopticon – J.B. no Respect

Two points to be considered –
1. the injury
afford done to the public;
2. the injury done to
the individual.
Each will increase, neither
can lessen, much less do away, the other.


I will not be denied
that at the very time
that before the nomination
of the Committee,
a determination
was taken to rescind
the agreement
with me: and that
the object and business
of the Committee, control
to us, and not
obnoxious and as
pretence, nor yet to
apply as the any such
word as reason, where
there are not so much
as one attempt to produce
anything in that
character –
to form prepare the way for
the predetermined
that determined measure
to produce the regular & a customary
and thence what would
be regarded as a sufficient
proposition, for
the predetermined measure.

If suffered, for such
paltry and unavoidable
considerations to committ
so flagrant an act of perfidy
and oppression, there
is nothing so flagitious but that
they may and will do it.
Perfect despotism is thus established.

---page break---

Breach of faith

Independent of all regard
for towards the persons themselves
it is no to a
person who has any regard
for the country nation
to which he belongs,
it can be no pleasing
reflection idea thought that
state of mind to find
himself unable by any
hypothesis to ascribe
to those on whose its
destinies depend, that
common regard for the
obligation of honour and
good faith of which even
malefactors by profession
thence are never altogether

To If Any person
who could help assist me
with any system for
this purpose that would
pass the test of examination &c I wuld
confer a real favour afford real satisfaction
on me.

That so many in
conspiracy for such a
purpose so many leading
men from their
distinguishable Administration
should be
found to join – all by
mere dent of absolute
power, all without the
shadow of a reason
or any sign from
that any such thing
still looked upon as

---page break---


To see all reason on
one side – all power
on the other&c a
melancholy spectacle.
J.B. armed and disarmed
Memorial –
became a regular distraction.

When blind well being on
one side, reason on
the other, it is part
of the regular business
of office – of high office
to procure the suppression
of the inconvenient document.

In my own instance
I have experienced
over and over again
this unhappy state of
things: and a recentv in another despotism
a recent instance has
fallen within my

Corrupt and unfit to
be must
have been the state of
that government in
which the accomplishment
of such a purpose
should have presented
itself to the contrivers
as furnished with possessed
with that degree of
apparent certainty and facility
without which it would
not have been attempted.


---page break---

If men such as these
were capable of any
view beyond the job of
the day and the
gratification of that
passion which
punishes not for injuries
which it has received committed but for
injuries sustained which it
has inflicted
they would think
again and again
before they determined to take
for the victim of their
perfidy and oppression
a man whose
will pursue theirs
and bear its testimony
against theirs so
long as it bears maintains a
place in the page of history.

Place of procedure – with
to –
1. J.B. wearied out
2. J.B. dies a natural death
3. J.B. killed with vexation
4. J.B. betrayed by
into some unguarded act
capable of being made into
a as in case.
5. Some occasion might arise of setting him aside
6. Length of time by diminishing the interest, might set them at compleat liberty
on pretence of some transgression &c
irrelevant to the matter in hand
may effect this purpose
as they may if they
choose to put forth this strength
they may among others
in ever so high a degree
still more
and scandalous, if possible. In

But effect it they
can not, without proclaiming
to the whole
country, that the good
of the community –
that all public good
and moral honesty
that all public and
honest and consideration ens are set
at nought, and that
the caprice of despotism
is the only standard
and rule by which their
conduct is measured &c. &c.

Identifier: | JB/118/238/003
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 118.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings


Folio number


Info in main headings field

panopt. rudiments for observations on halford's report




barbarity / breach of faith / predetermination


rudiments sheet (brouillon)

Number of Pages




Page Numbering


jeremy bentham


th 1806


Paper Producer

andre morellet


Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

ID Number


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