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17 June 1812
Panopt. – Observats on Holford

On the part At the same time The exigency of the case being
so pressing and so notorious, pressing in so particular a
degree upon the functions situation and duty of the Secretary of State
for the Home Department, it was thu deemed advisable
at least if not necessary that something should be done
and as the office of Secretary of State for the Home department
was the Office in which any measure to
be taken on that ground would according to naturally originate
the no objection could be made tow to its
being taken up by into those hands.

The plan of Boad Management for the effectuation
of which an Act had been passed Ao 1779 had been
virtually superseded by the Act passed Ao 1794
for giving existence and effect to Mr Bentham's Contract
Plan abovementioned. But the Act of 1779 had never
been repealed: so that here was a system which Administration
had it in their power if they thought fit to
revert to at any time.

Of the Plan of 1779 The originators and patrons were so well known
and so universally and justly respected, that from the reverting
to that plan nothing of disrepute discredit was to be found need be apprehended.
It is true that of that plan the incompetency
as compared with the Contract plan had by a
most particular examination and course body of the closest reason been demonstrated made
matter of demonstration. But this demonstration, although
during the administration and in the mind of Mr Pitt it
had the effect of producing the most compleat conviction, of
which conviction the formation of the Contract in question had
been the fruit, yet that it was that sort of thing which Gentlemen
were at liberty
to read or to avoid
reading as should be
most convenient, and
by avoiding to look at
it no small degree of mass of
trouble was saved.

Identifier: | JB/118/246/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 118.



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panopt. observat. on holford





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jeremy bentham



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