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25 Jany 1812

The best of every thing! – the best of every thing?
how often have I seen and never without proof – advertisements
with this stipulation when the population
to be provide for was the population of a Poor house
– of a Poor House in which none but unprofitable
labour was performed or in a house in which no labour
at all even though unprofitable was so much as
professed to be performed. An advertisement A dispensation of this sort
is but a b what is it but a bounty of upon
idleness? Even this is not enough for the humanity
of the worthy Baronet: his bounty must be a bounty
upon wickedness. The world turned topsy turvy: punishment is the
upon wickedness. effects of it give applied where reward is due
or the effects of it where punishment is due, all the rules of
and reversed – Such is the system of government which is the object
of so much pride zeal, and his source of so much self complacency to the worthy Baronet.

Sharing with me in this my humble opinion
I hope to have at least one person of rank and influence
and that person is Mr Rose. It was but t'other day
To get the prevail upon reduce the industrious classes children of industry in his neighbourhood
to give up be mad meat as being too dear
for them, to give up even bread as being too dear for
them – in place to bread to eat potatoes, in place of
meat to content themselves with herring: is with
that g Right Honourable Gentleman a professed object
as declared by him in Parliament. For this well principled
and public spirited purpose for such I venture
to call it, he thinks it so but known to
him shop keeper and for by the advantage of a due process
for such it seems it is tempting his industrious neighbours
to become purchasers – for the sum of 15d price
giving a man more herring, and 22 pound of potatoes.

Identifier: | JB/118/297/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 118.



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