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12 Sept. 1812
To Ld Sidmouth

the offers were submitted to Your Lordship, are viz.

Giving up the contract, giving up all personal emolument – giving
no those which any friends up all permanency of situation – consenting so it be after a public hearing
what any let the state you whereas friends to be dismissed at any time at pleasure⊞1 ⊞1 consenting to accept
of less than half the
such are the offers
now submitted to Your
Lordship, such are the
offers which the
at an earlier period – I
I do not recollect

it the fate of the
equally how long, before the fate
of the contract was pronounced,
my Parliamentary
friends were
requested by me to
they otherwise
what my Parliamentary the state your the from friends
requested by of the
A copy of that
paper, intimated to them and put into their hands for that purpose is still in mine.
hands. No such offers were there were however⊞2 So inflexible the de it was
found was the
determination to give
effect, at any price,
to the mysterious
resolve purpose fixt
for these twenty years
in exalted darkness –
for these twenty years –
so irascible the
sentence of annihilation,
that, for ,
and unspeakable,
had been
pronounced upon

in an the some inexorable
black book, by some invisible hand been written
opposite to any
name – so subordinate
were all considerations
of justice
as well as economy
to the duty of carrying
that sentence into
effect –
Such was the peremptiveness so peremptively was
determination such the temperthese resolves, such the temper that had grown up under them, that the mention of any
such offer would to any good purpose be was altogether hopeless:
while the only probable effect of it being the producing a
degree of exasperation, whereby any compensation any engagement
for compensation, including for restitution of sacrificed property, might either not be entered into,
or if entered into share the the fate of the original one.
in such better myself will be produced
the of Ld Sidmouth or

On In the breast either of Ld Sidmouth or of Mr Vansittart,
whatsoever may be the result in other respects
according to such observation as a man in my observation
so deep an obscurity as means it has been
in a mans way to make no such irritation ought
to be apprehended considered regarded as probable. And by be
that as it may it is by this reflection that I have
brought myself to regard this as the last effort thus
made for the public service as not
to the rules of human prudence, the last one greatest only remaining
effort which in my disastrous situation it has been have been is
possible for man to make on behalf of the public
service in the cause of the and of the public purse.

Identifier: | JB/118/410/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 118.



Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings


Folio number


Info in main headings field

to ld sidmouth





text sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering


jeremy bentham


th 1806


Paper Producer

andre morellet


Paper Produced in Year


Notes public

draft of enclosure to letter 2190, vol. 8

ID Number


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