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Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament
of Supervisors.assembled, and by the Authority of the same, THAT it shall and may
be lawful for His Majesty to appoint Persons to carry into
execution for the purpose of this Act, and to be Supervisors of the House
and Buildings to be erected in pursuance thereof, and from time to time
to remove them or any of them, and appoint others in the room of such
as shall be so removed, or shall die or resign their Trust; and to allow
such Supervisors such Compensation for their Expenses, occasioned by
the discharge of their duty, as His Majesty, with the advice of the
principal Secretary of State for the Home Department, shall deem rea-
sonable, to be paid from time to time by Warrants from the Com-
missioners of His Majesty's Treasury or the High Treasurer for the
time being.
After such
Lands pur-
chased to be
vested in His
Majesty.And be it further Enacted, That as soon as such Supervisors shall be so3
appointed as aforesaid, all the Lands, Houses, Buildings, Tenements and
Premises so purchased by the said Jeremy Bentham, or now vested in
him for the purpose of the said Act of the thirty-fourth year aforesaid,
shall vest absolutely, and without any Conveyance or Assignment thereof,
in His Majesty His Heirs and Successors, for the use of the Public and the purposes of this Act.
Supervisors to
erect a Peni-
tentiary House.And be it further Enacted, That it shall be lawful for the said Super-
visors, by the direction and with the consent and approbation of the Lord
High Treasurer for the time being, or any or more of the Com-
missioners of the Treasury for the time being, to erect or cause to be
erected, or contract and agree with any Person or Persons for the erect-
ing such House and other Buildings as shall be expedient and necessary
for the purposes aforesaid, and to do all such other matters and things as
may be necessary for carrying this Act into execution.
of Arbitrators
for settling
Questions be-
tween the
Public and
Mr. Bentham.AND whereas a Proposal was made in the year one thousand seven4
hundred and ninety-four, by the aforesaid Jeremy Bentham, to contract
with the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury for the management of
one thousand male Convicts in a National Penitentiary House to be
erected by the said Jeremy Bentham for the purpose; and Articles of
Agreement, founded on such Proposal, were prepared and approved of
on behalf of the said Lords Commissioners of the Treasury, in whom
powers were vested by the Act of the thirty-fourth year of His present
Majesty above recited, to conclude such Contracts and Agreements for
the erection of National Penitentiary Houses under the said Act, as they
should deem necessary and expedient; but such Articles of Agreement
have never been executed: AND whereas the said Jeremy Bentham was
appointed Feoffee of the Lands above mentioned under the said Act, with
a view to the erection of a National Penitentiary House under the said
Contract, and has been authorized and encouraged to take measures for
carrying such intended Agreement into effect, and received an advance
of Two thousand Pounds in the year one thousand seven hundred and
ninety-four for that purpose; and the said Jeremy Bentham states himself
to have expended large Sums of Money over and above the said sum of
Two thousand Pounds, in making preparations for the performance of
the said Agreement on his part, and to have employed much time and
Identifier: | JB/118/456/002 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 118.
1812-02-14 |
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a bill for the erection of a penitentiary house for the confinement of offenders, male and female, who have received sentence of transportation within the city of london and county of middlesex |
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