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Tothill Fiields Bill SS1
1. Parties
the Rector of the said Parish for the time being or in case of
a vacancy in the said Rectory then untill
the filling up of such vacancy with the Patron
of the said Rectory for the purchase
of such portion of the said Waste called Tothill Fields
as in the Schedule marked A and annexed
to this Act is described under the name of Lot
A continuing after deduction made for Roads
about thirty four Acres more or less any
part thereof And every Conveyance and
Assurance made of the said Lot A or any
part thereof by such Dean Senior Prebend
Vestrymen Rector and Patron respectively
for the purposes of the said Act shall be as
binding and effectual in Law as if the said the such
Lot A were the absolute property in separate
ownership of the said such
persons so conveying and assuring respectively
and the said persons and all other persons
so conveying or assuring the said Lot A
or any part thereof or conveying or assuring
for the purposes of this Act or and every other of
the Lots or portions of the said Waste herein after mentioned or any part
the or parts thereof or any right or rights
exercisible in upon or in relation to the same
are hereby indemnified for what they shall
do by virtue of this Act.
Identifier: | JB/123/034/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 123.
123 |
panopticon |
034 |
001 |
text sheet |
1 |
recto |
d3 |
jeremy bentham |
41460 |