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there will be in London the Out Ports and Dock Yards at least
1800 Dealers. — The regulations by prohibiting publicans living
near the Dock Yards from Dealing in such Articles would
prevent many Seamen who Lodge with them from being
enticed to Commit many Depredations which but for such
temptations would not be thought of.

2. Dealers in Stores and Rags by Wholesale.

The Licence proposed in this instance relates to Dealers in the
former Articles with the addition of Hand Stuff for the purposes of
making Paper and Rags by Wholesale. This Business is very
extensive and comprehends a great variety of Articles the Profits
are from 40 to 100 P Cent and in some instances considerably more.
This Traffic is subject to a vast deal of fraud. The purloiners of
Cordage Sail Cloth Sacks &c very frequently cut them into small
Pieces to elude detection and in this State it assumes the name of
Hand Stuff and is carried to these Rag Shops where these Villains
obtain about one halfpenny P lb for property which before cut &
defaced was worth 20 or 30 Times the Value to the persons from
whom they were Stolen. This Traffic therefore not only promotes
robbery but produces the actual destruction of property. The
proposed regulations will certainly check much of this mischief
and Render it an object for the fair and honest Dealer to follow
the business which from its great extent would give full Employment
to at least 1500 Persons.

Identifier: | JB/149/016/003
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 149.


Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

Folio number


Info in main headings field




dealers in old naval stores / dealers in stores and rags by wholesale / retail dealers in rags and hand stuff / dealers in second hand wearing apparel


copy/fair copy sheet

Number of Pages




Page Numbering

f5 / f6 / f7 / f8




Paper Producer


Paper Produced in Year

Notes public

ID Number


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