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An Amendment to the late Act of Parliament passed July 20th
1786 To prevent Horse Stealing and other Cattle — Likewise to prevent
Persons buying & Selling Glandered or other Distemper'd Horses in any Fair,
Market Place or places or by private contract under Penalty of
£ . And that no Butcher or other Person or Persons whatever
shall Buy any Dead Distempered Cattle and Dress it for Butchers
Meat under Penalty of £ or in default thereff shall be publickly
2d That an Office be appointed in London with Persons to attend
thereat for the purpose of giving and receiving intelligence from
all parts of England Wales & Scotland relative to Horses Stolen &c
3d That an office be appointed in every County Town and City &c
througout the aforesaid Kingdoms for the purpose of giving & receiving
intelligence from all parts of their respective Counties and conveying
it to London in the most expediate Manner.
4 That an Inspector be appointed in every Parish throughout
the aforesaid Kingdoms who shall attend every Fair Market
Place of Sale &c. during the Hours of Sale with the Clerk or
Rector of the Market, Fair &c in that Parish which Inspector
Shall take a Book with him for the purpose of entering the
names of the Persons &c the particular Marks Age Height
Color &c of the said Horse Mare Gelding Colts &c. The names
occupations Place of Abode &c of the Buyer and Seller and the
said buyer and Seller shall pay the Sum of Sixpence each to the
Inspector who Books them.
5 That the said Inspector shall be empowered to investigate demand
and receive of the Seller, such Intelligence as he may think needful
respecting the lawfulness of his right of the property offered for Sale
6 Persons refusing to give a Satisfactory Account shall be taken
into Custody till such time as the real owner or owners are found
or the Sellers lawful right to the property proved
7 Any Person or Persons whatsoever who shall buy Sell exchange
or Barter away any Horse Mare &c and take it away from the
Fair Market &c without Registering them in the Inspectors
Books and paying the Sum of Sixpence each shall forfeit & pay the
fine of £
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