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1831 Feb. 24
Prospectus of the Universalist

Disappointment prevention principle or say Non-Disappointment
principle. In and by a principle thus denominated this principle Mr Bentham has given indication
of the principle which constitutes the only reason why property
in any shape should be kept at the disposal of the proprietor
why any man's own should be secured to him: the good sense
to which if any lies at the bottom of the nonsensical phrase
in such universal use. Contrary to the first principle of
contrary to every principle of justice.

Take care that while excluding a lesser evil you
do not let in a greater. This rule the Universalist will
never suffer to be kept keep in of sight. By the light of it
he will caution his readers against all retrenchments by which
by retroactive disappointment is produced: of retrenchment which never
ought to be resorted to, while any by which no
such evil would be produced remain unemployed.

Even No political are however are there
to which the caution will not be seen to call for
sinecures, overpaid places official situations, useless and needless places
and so called spiritual: have the present possessors
and undisappointment and undistorted, or what
comes to the same thing compensated: but without any exception
whatsoever prevent them all of them from coming into existence.

Apply this to be rights called vested rights – keep all of
them from being abolished without adequate compensation – keep none of them
from being abolished with adequate compensation in any case in
which any net addition to general happiness can thereby be made.
To Of no occasion on which application can be made of those
salutary mementos will the Universalist be neglectful. Policy
with policy sympathy in recommencing prescribing the attention thus
recommended to be paid to them: sympathy shows itself
at the surface, sound policy will be seen to be at the bottom of it:
sound policy, by the service which it renders by the soothing
and disarming opposition: that opposition which lies in wait
for whatsoever measures are most beneficial to mankind.

Identifier: | JB/149/300/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 149.



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prospectus of the universalist





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jeremy bentham


street & co 1830


jeremy bentham

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antonio alcala galiano


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