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So concise as
not to be unsusceptible
of promulgation

The mechanism
of legislation

I have procured

and am in the
habit of [consulting]
turning over most
of the systems of law codes of
ancient Europe and in [are familiar
to me] The
French, Austrian &c

& Gentoo

The Gentoo code
is so explicit &
so neatly drawn
that I could presently
by way of proportional specimen reduce
it to my
own method, preserve
its excellences
& point
out its defects.

I have begun
with breaking up laying down
the great broad
outlines high road of legislation,
the narrow
paths will be
dispatched with

---page break---

the intemperate fire and indiscretion
of youth
an individual ground

prosperity &c of his
Company, to which
I hope I may be
permitted to add
the happiness of
the people under
their dominion.

To unravel the
perplexities, the
entanglements of
jurisdiction, &
obviate the importance
which therein
results on the part
of the principal
law to be conferred.

Duo consideranda.
1. Whether there
is need of such a
work? 2. whether
I am a proper
person to execute it.

– If nothing done
are but where
they were – by
such powers no
mischief can be

---page break---

Running title
Proposal for an
E. Indian Code.

Apology for regularity
of primary
contents &c
designed to save
the readers time
& facilitate

Not being on a
footing of any intimacy
with any
person who has
the honour of
being upon a
like footing with
your Ldship I preferred

Not really easy to
make proper laws
on the spot even
from documents:
& if it were, not
easy to satisfy
people of its being

But all the
marginal contents
together in Front
at the beginning

---page break---

Members of Council
to Sign their names
to each article with
the initials
of their names
and "approved", "disapproved"
or "dubious". (Qu. whether
dubious to
be admitted). If
disapproved, to give
reasons. If a majority
J.B. will propose
an article in concurrence
with it,
of their jubilance and
with their approbation.

let your Lp know
That there is a
man who with
whatever degree of success
had mad legislation
in his study not
by bits &
per re but
regularly and upon a large

One book is better
proof than can be
given by conversation
or character
of a man's being
fit to write another.

---page break---

Looking upon a men
whom merit has made
as a good the best
judges f pretension in
other the same line I have
taken the liberty
of enclosing to you
(a copy of it & recommending
it to your
notice) the only copy
which has been taken
of it. If
the great variety of

Two points. 1. to
give order and expression
to the ideas
of others in matters
of law. This I can
put in a claim to
myself equal
preference to with some confidence:
and form
proof beg leave
to refer to the 17
16, 17, 19 & 20 chapters
the objection
of inexperience would
have no force.
This but a subordinate province.
The other the superior
which concerns
the substance.
Here to inexperience
no objection
as to the inventive
part. It applies
only to the judging
of practicability &c
& here the authorities
in esse will serve
for ballast.

Identifier: | JB/169/121/003
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 169.


Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

Folio number


Info in main headings field





proposal for an east indian code


rudiments sheet (brouillon)

Number of Pages




Page Numbering


jeremy bentham


[[watermarks::s. lay [britannia with shield motif]]]


Paper Producer

alexander mavrokordatos


Paper Produced in Year

Notes public

ID Number


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