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That they ship the proposers Goods here at Medeira & India,
as if their own; & the same to be at their risk, until delivered into Warehouses
to be furnished for accommodating his goods; and no debit
to be made against him for Warehouse landing duties or any other
charges whatsoever, except Freight at £5, sterling, pr Ton, on the
Tonnage which he obliges himself to send out; but none on any
excess which he may ship as an encouragement for his increasing
the exports all in his power
That his accounts be kept with the respective presidencies
in Indie, at the same rate of interest, and in the same manner
as they are now, and closed regularly on the 30<hi rend="underline">th. April every
year. On that day a certificate to be granted for the balance which
may appear in his favour, in exchange for which certificate the
company shall grant him their Bonds in London of the same date,
at a reasonable exchange; & to run 5 pr Cent Interest, payable
half yearly, & the principal payable in 3, 4 or 5 years from the
Date of the Bond.
That the Company supply him 5 Lacks of rupees, say
500,000 Rupees, at Bombay annually, on the first of January.
In consideration of the foregoing he will agree
First, to send in their ships to India, during 5 Years, of
British Manufactures, and pay the freight as follows.
First year.....6,000 Tons pay Freight £30000. Value. £500,000
Second Year.....7,000 35000 550,000
Third Year ..... 8,000 40000 600,000
Fourth Year.....9,000 45000 650,000
Fifth Year.....10,000 50000 700,000
— —
40000 Tons paying Freight 200,000 Value 3,000000
— —
Secondly, Tto keep increasing these Exports all he can: but as the increase
depends on the success which he may have inputting an
end to the foreign trade, he can only bind himself to the above
quantity: he however hopes to increase them as in the remarks
laid down
Thirdly, To pay off from the Bonded debt in India Rs 5,000,000
say 5 Million of rupees annually, or such sum as shall raise the
credit of the Bombay Bonds, within three years, from their present
value of 50 pr Cent to par, or 100 Rupees for 100 paper. The proposer
has no doubt of doing this in two years, but he binds himself
only to effect it in three.
Identifier: | JB/169/146/002 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 169.
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collectanea |
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lady bentham |
[[watermarks::gr [crown motif] [britannia with shield motif]]] |
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