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translation (if a translation it is to have) that is
not in the original should be distinguished accordingly.

has been amply made
up by the sale of the
whole edition (750) not
to mention the greatest
part of a pirated edition
in Ireland of equal number: neither
did I wish you to take
the trouble of setting any body about translating
it. Sooner or later it The same observa-
will find a translator
if it deserves one. All The
this observation same with regard - applies
equality to the quarto
volume on the principles
of morals and legislation
whi a copy of which
has been was sent some
days ago for you to
Ld Lon's

Do not let the want of pecuniary encouragment
stop the translation, if you think the original
likely to be of use which is however a matter you can
hardly judge of till you have seen the three next
sheets. I thought I had provided against this
contingency by in my former letter undertaking for the expence &c.
You take no notice of my idea of publishing
on my own account and at my own risk, on
which alone was grounded that of my getting
something to towards paying help pay expences, a prospect I
am perfectly content to abandon now that I
am resolved upon publishing here. I suppose
people Necker's People (Neckers House for As it is but a few
more louis thrown away
when the worst comes to
the worst I could wish
these three sheets were
translated and sent off
to be presented sheet by
sheet that no time may
be lost in getting out this
part before the meeting.
If when the three next
come they it should not
be thought worth while
to continue it is but
a few louis thrown away
But then the number
printed should not be
less than that of the
States. Were I on the spot, & were If you received
you to view the importance of the matter

instance) would certainly let you have money
on your drawing on Ld Lansdown: if so,
pray do, if there should be any occasion, only
letting me know a week before hand that I
may lodge the money before the Bill comes
to him. If your (the French) system of
is really in that deplorable state in which I have
represented it. I do not see how it is possible for
the States to do any thing without changing it: &
it is not a small expence that would prevent me
from doing what depended upon me to forward for that purpose.
a chance. As to the Defence of Usury. I have never
had the smallest idea of making a farthing by it
in France. I did not write it for France, nor was
I at any expence about it, except print and paperwhich

Identifier: | JB/169/165/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 169.


Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

Folio number


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jeremy bentham


[[watermarks::[lion with crown motif]]]


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Notes public

draft of letter 653, vol. 4

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