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rush forwards we were forced to take to our boat and get out of their
reach as fast as we could, and what to do we could not tell, but consulting
together we were determined to row up the harbour which accordingly
we did 9 or 10 miles till we made a little white sandy Island in the
middle of the harbour which we landed upon and hawled up our boat
and repaired her bottom with what materials we had: during our
stay of 2 days we had no interruption from the Natives; then we rowed
off to the main where we took in fresh water and a few Cabbage trees
and then put out to sea _ the natives here are quite naked, of a copper
colour shock hair, they have Canoes made of bark _ then we proceeded
to the northward, having a leading breze from the S.W _ but that
night the wind changed and drove us out of sight of land _ when
we hawled our wind having a set of Sails in the boat accordingly the
next day we made close into land, but the Surf running very hard
we could not attempt to land but kept along Shore but making
no harbour or creek for near 3 Weeks we were very much distressed
for water & wood: but perceiving the Surf to abate two of our men
swam ashore to get some water, but being afraid of the Natives
which they saw in numbers they returned without any but a
little wood which they threw into the water and we took it up _
We put over on the other side of the bay expecting to meet with
a convenient harbour we found a littler river which with great difficulty
we got up our boat being very leaky at that time that is was
with great difficulty we could keep her above Water _ were we
landed & hawled her up putting some Soap in the Seams which
answered very well _ at this place we could get no fish of any
kind here we stopped two days and two nights then we left this
place and went farther down the bay about 20 miles expecting
to meet with a harbour to get some Refreshment but could not

Identifier: | JB/169/203/001
"JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 169.


Marginal Summary Numbering



Main Headings

panopticon versus new south wales

Folio number


Info in main headings field





copy/fair copy sheet

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f3 / f4 / f5 / f6




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Notes public

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