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see any nor the end of the bay the wind being favourable we tacked
about and put to Sea the land here seemed to be much the same as
at Botany Bay. Accordingly we up Grapling and stood to the Northward
but our boat being very deep we were obliged to throw all our
Cloathing overboard the better to lighten our boat as the Sea broke
over us quite rapid _ that night we ran into an open Bay but
could see no place to land as the Surf ran so that we were afraid of staving
our boat to pieces _ we came to a Grapling in the bay the same
night, but about 2 oClock in the morning our Grapling broke and
we were drove in the middle of the Surf expecting every moment
that our boat would be staved to pieces and every Soul perish but as
God would have it we got our boat safe on shore without any loss or
damage excepting an oar we hawled our boat up and there remained
2 days & 2 nights _ there we kindled a fire with great
difficulty every thing being very wet, we got plenty of Shell fish &
fresh water the natives came down in great numbers we discharg’d
a Musket over their heads, they dispersed immediately and we
saw no more of them we put our things in the boat and with
great difficulty we put out to Sea for 2 or 3 days we had very bad
weather our boat shipping many heavy Seas, so that one man
was always employed in bailing out the water to keep her up _ the
next place we made was White Bay being in Latitude 27do. 00 we
ran down that bay 2 or 3 leagues before we could see a convenient
place to land the Surf running very high we saw two Women &
two Children with a fire brand in their hand at this place we
landed the two women being frightened ran away but we made
Signs that we wanted a light which they gave us crying at the
same time in their way we took our things out of the boat and
put them in two huts which was there _ the next morning about
11 oClock a great number of the Natives came towards us as soon
as we saw them we went to meet them and fired a musket
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