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Nov. 1810
What is at least at the same time equally manifest is that were
the arrangement ever so much more improvident
and impolitic than it is, it could not be the profit
of the public purse receive undergo during the present war,
or in the course of any future war, any correction.
By the most solemn of all engagements, the public
stands engaged bound to continue preserve in its entirety to this
class of the servants the whole mass of emolument by
the prospect assurance of which they were induced to accept
of their several situations.
Not that by this consideration the all enquiry into
the propriety of this arrangement is rendered purely converted into a
matter of mere speculation speculative, incapable of having receiving consistently
with justice and utility, any application to practice.
In virtue of the powers constantly reserved to
the Crown on the occasion of each war by each successive Act, so as the whole
of the proceeds be de included in the decision plan of
distribution pursued, that plan in respect of the
proportions in lots into which the several shares are carved
out is made liable to be changed susceptible of change at pleasure.
And as the Act by which the quantum of the
mass thus to be distributed is assured secured here in every in the instance
of each war instance been made temporary – so as to last continue in force no longer
than the war, hence if it were necessary upon the whole advisable, antecedently
to any future war the superfluity or any part of it
might for the benefit to the profit of the public be struck off.
Identifier: | JB/547/029/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 547.
1810-11-?? |
16-17 |
547 |
029 |
Prizes |
001 |
Text sheet |
Jeremy Bentham |