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Category:Box 547

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Add MSS 33547 is a volume of manuscripts from the British Library's Bentham Papers collection. It consists of Bentham's thoughts on prize law, and the payment of bounties to seamen for the capture of foreign ships during periods of war. These manuscripts were written between 1805 and 1811, with the majority being composed in 1810.

The volume also includes printed versions of the Prize Acts of 1805 (45 Geo. III. c.72) and 1809 (49 Geo. III c.123), which feature Bentham's notes and annotations.

Below is an outline of the manuscripts.

  • Folios 1 to 30: Beginning [1810]
  • Folios 31 to 32: Remedies [1810]
  • Folios 33 to 70: Sinecures, and a remedial plan [1810]
  • Folios 71 to 187: Annoyances caused by prize law, remedies against agents, drawbacks, and the role of lawyers [1810]
  • Folios 188 to 203 : Prize Agents, bounties, salvage and seizure [1810]
  • Folios 204 to 443: Analysis of 1805 and 1809 Prize Acts [1810-11]
  • Folios 444 to 470: 45 Geo. III. c.72, 'An Act for the Encouragement of Seamen, and for the better and more effectually Manning His Majesty's Navy during the present War' [1805, printed, Bentham's annotations]
  • Folios 471 to 489: 49 Geo. III c.123, 'An act to explain and amend an Act made in the Forty-fifth Year of His present Majesty, for the Encouragement of Seamen, and for the better and more effectually manning His Majesty's Navy during the present War; and for the better and more effectually providing for the Interest of the Royal Hospital for Seamen at Greenwich, and the Royal Hospital for Soldiers at Chelsea, and to extend the provisions of the said Act to Cases arising in consequence of Hostilities commenced since the passing of the said Act [1809, printed, Bentham's annotations]

Box 547 Progress: Transcription begun

Untranscribed: 34
In Progress: 6
Ready For Review: 0
Completed: 661
Total: 701

0Completed: 661(94.29%)701

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