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Decr 1810
Prize 1805 1809
☞ Search for errors §. 86.
So §. 92 l. 9. "Agent the Agent" – quere if so?
Not only errors in import but errors in
errors of the class of those that which under the name of
errors of the press are in other compositions imputed to the Printer rather
than the Author is generally understood to bear the blame abound swarm in this consolidation Act.
Take the following may serve of for the list of them or at any rate for
an example a specimen.
§. 2. l. 17. For His Majesty, Proclamations in the clause by his Proclamations of the seventh
day of July one thousand eight hundred and three, hath
already ordered and enacted – either read Proclamation
in the singular, or add "and the thirty firs day of January
one thousand eight hundred and five", as in line
31 of this same section.
2. §. 20. In line 21 after "or other Officer" add
insert such Commanders, Captain or other Officer "Those
"shall forfeit &c. Unless these words though inserted immediately before are
thus repeated, the sentence is without a nominative case the sense is uncompleated, and,⊞ ⊞ unless the judicatory
in question should take
upon itself for the purpose
of inserting making this amendment
assume to itself
legislative power the £1,000 forfeiture
thus denounced incapable of being levied.
4 3. In the Act of 1809 §. 6, line 12 omitt who, or insert something
else. If who be retained and nothing else added, a
grammatical sentence is left incompleat "Agent or Agents"
are nominative cases without a verb to follow them.
4. In the Act of 1809, §. 6, line 9, after "notifications" insert
of the amount.
5. In 48 G. 3. c. 72. §. 103 – in its lines divers errors resp
consisting of the erroneous insertion or omission of the word with.
6. In 29 G. 3. c. 123, §. 11, line 1, dele "shall".
7. In 45 G. 3. c. 72, §. 67, line 6 for the semicolon insert a comma
and in line 7 dele "shall" as being repeated in line 5.
Identifier: | JB/547/184/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 547.
547 |
184 |
Prizes. 1805. 1809. |
001 |
Text sheet |
Jeremy Bentham |