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22 Decr 1810
Prizes Acts 1805 1809
Whether, for the Agent this would be a beneficial game
to play, depends upon circumstances. It depends
originally upon the total value of the prize, immediately
and ultimately upon the share magnitude of that portion
of it which consistently with safety and the necessary whatever regard
to reputation may be deemed necessary the Agent can continue to keep back and retain keep in his own hands.
It depends upon the magnitude of the share which finds him
self obliged to give up to the lawyers.
Proceeds of the prize say £10,000: time during which
the business can on this occasion be kept depending on the
Court, one year: rate of interest made if in the meantime,
say no more than common interest, viz. 4 per Cent, this
gives by the delay thus manufactured gross profit to the Agent by £500: deduct for costs
out of which comes the profit to the lawyers, £100: neat
profit to the Agent, £ £400.
What seems natural enough is – that in most instances the
the sale of a prize shall be compleated all at once: for
such this in the case of a Common would be the result.
But in no law is there any provision securing or so much as requiring compelling any such
simultaneity. Cases may be imagined conceived in which it is not
possible; others in which though possible it would th not be
the interest of the considered, eligible. Different parcels
it may happen are exposed to sale at different times: and
though all were exposed to sale at the same time, still if
bills instead of ready money are admitted, differences may have place as to the points of time
at which such bills will become due. When the nature
of the case affords so many natural good and real reasons, what
can be earned then for an Agent to bring forward manufacture and or bring
forward such false ones which in notwithstanding their falsity shall
be plausible ones: and plausible or implausible not susceptible of
dilution, legal dilution
to any effective purpose?
Identifier: | JB/547/313/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 547.
1810-12-22 |
547 |
313 |
Prizes. Acts 1805 1809 |
001 |
Text sheet |
Jeremy Bentham |