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2 Jany 1811
Prize 1805 : 1809 : § 94 95
4. D Place abroad where there is a deputy.
2. As to the places, in which the every any one of which
according to circumstances the nature of the case
might require that payment should be made.
These will be found to be four.
1. In the first place the Hospital itself: the prime seat
and centre of generation. In this most simple of
the four cases the provision made in this Act will
not in any part of it be found applicable.
2. A "Post" or (other) "Place" "within the United
"Kingdom" at which a person appointed by the Treasurer of Greenwich Hospital
shall have appoin to act for the purpose "for
receiving applications and claims for prize" (money) "and
"bounty money" shall be resident.
To this case the provision made in the Act does applies viz
that which is will be seen made in Sections 94 and 95.
3. A Post or Place of the United Kingdom at
which there ".... is "no such deputy.
To this case also the provision made in the Act does apply applies,
viz. that which will be seen is made in Section 96.
4. A Place Post or Place out of the United Kingdom
at which there exists some such Deputy. That there
are such places appears from §. 87 in which in
a Settlement Colony or Plantation abroad or other place out of the United Kingdom, the existence
of a Vice Admiralty Court is supposed, as likewise that
of a "deputy of the Treasurer of Greenwich Hospital there
resident", at the application of which Deputy, a Prize
Agent is therein required, within 6 months after commencement of distribution "to make up his accounts, and
"deliver up and verify the same in the Vice Admiralty Court
to make up remit to the Treasurer or pay to such his deputy,
all unclaimed charges balances and so forth.
Identifier: | JB/547/337/001 "JB/" can not be assigned to a declared number type with value 547.
1811-01-02 |
547 |
337 |
Prize. 1805. 1809. 1805 §94. 95 |
001 |
Text sheet |
Jeremy Bentham |