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17 Augt 1807
To come in at p. 6, 11, 12
Provided always that as to so much of such
eventual damage as may consist in the
loss of the neat improved rent receivable by the said
Sam. Earle his or Assessor from any loss under lesser or
under lessees, the said J Be it shall be
at the option of the said J.B. and S.B. of 7th to make
satisfaction for the same either by the payment
of a gross sum so to be determined ascertained by
arbitration as aforesaid, or by taking upon
himself the payment of such neat improved
rent the amount of thereof to be in like
manner ascertained.
This being a clause intended for the benefit of
the Lessor, he desires that the words thereof may remain
without addition alteration or omission as they are, unless in case that and in so far
as any such amendment alteration may be proposed by Mr
Medley as necessary or proper for the benefit of the
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