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23 Aug 1830
J.B. v. George 3.
In process of time came the American War – Still
untouched remained my loyalty. The star in the East – or the Polar
Star – which you please – the Greatest Happiness principle – had not
yet visited the firmament. The Colonies – the Most Gracious
King's Colonies – revolted. In justification of tis revolt No reason deduced from the greatest
happiness principle – no reason bearing any reference to the
greatest happiness principle was ever adduced – was ever
held up to view – was ever so much as insinuated by any one.
Easier – much easier – than ratiocination is crude assertion: nor and
in assertion what is strong much easier than what is gentle.
Ratiocination – close & correct ratiocination – few are capable of:
crude assertion every body is capable of: the strongest quality
of it is that which the most unintellectual of mankind have at their
finger's ends. You have no right to tax us – aid the Americans.
We have a right to tax you said the King with his Lords, his
& their adherents – Any & many of course included.
You have not a right: we have a right: – here is contradiction in
terms; here is what lawyers call an issue. But on the one side
there is no more of ratiocination, of reason, of argument, of argumentation,
– call it which you please, – on the side than on the other.
What said usage? – this was on the King's side. What said
mutual interest? what said the aggregate – the sum – of
happiness on both sides taken together? his was what
no man on either side stayed to inquire into – this
was of the number of those things into which in those
days no man knew how to make inquiry.
☞ Add or not the state of the question on the ground of utility
as given by JB in Lynn's Lind's book
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